THIS is abuse!

stokkebye's picture

North Carolina Cop Recorded Swinging K9 by Leash; Chief says Dog was "Noncompliant"

I got shit for saying I yoked my dog up for biting me and smacking him on the nose if he does some bad shit, but it was nothing like this shit, so dont be putting me in the same boat as this pos. And the fucking Cheif defends this abuse!


Feel free to call them and let them know a thing or two! (704) 638-5333

Average: 3.7 (6 votes)


boldfart's picture

It is all about you.


AND I think I have the phantom downvoter!!!  


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stokkebye's picture

This just happened, the video came out today or yesterday and its relavent to our dog conversations so I shared it. But I knew people on here would say shit to me about it. 


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n0val33t's picture
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Still denying abuse huh? Even vent out of your way to post this clip as that would somehow make's what you have done to your dog go away?! "THIS is abuse" smacking or lifting your dog up by the neck is not abuse... logic.


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stokkebye's picture

So your dog is trying to kill your kids rabbit in front of your kid and the dog wont listen and snips at you when you try to grab it, what do you do? Entice it with a treat? Give it a lecture?

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n0val33t's picture
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The convenient rabbit that you just remembered, I don't buy it. 

I'll pretend to believe you: 1st lesson for the dog, get used to rabbit and vice versa. The situation would never happen in the first place. Or if the dog were to chase rabbit... go back to reintroducing them properly. If for some reason that does not work, Give the dog a new home. In fact do that right now 

One I have control over the dog why in gods name would I punish him for it. But by all means, keep digging.


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stokkebye's picture

LOL, you are fucking dumb as shit dude! Its dogs natural insticts to chase a fucking rabbit. I had that rabbit in the house many times and when they are in the cages he is fine, but once they get loose he gives chase and tries to kill it, he killed 2 already, plus another wild one. Listen to yourself, get the rabbit used to dogs, bwahaha! Give the dog a new home, LOL, go fuck yourself you wuss. The rabbits are gone anyway and it happened last year. Who the fuck remembers every goddanm thing that ever happens to their dog? I got more shit going on in my life than remembering every fucking event e going on.  

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n0val33t's picture
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Don't put words into my mouth. Not about the fucking rabbit, about the story you conveniently weaved after you got shit for being an abusive cunt. People often try to dress a story up to make it more palatable after they said something unfathomably stupid. 


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stokkebye's picture

Yeah but heres the thing: I dont give a shit about what you think of me or how I treat my dog! LOL 

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n0val33t's picture
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Oh, I'm quite aware you don't care about what I think, but these posts make it clear you care about what some people on this site think, or why bother going to these lengths. Secondly, with the "LOL" Are you trying to bring it back? Anyways don't mind me, you got shit going on in your life... carry on! :P 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

So you can correctly identify animal abuse when others do it, only when you do, you of course fail to see it. This no surprise.


Just because there are worse abusers than you doesn't mean "you're fine", quite the opposite.


Regarding the video:

This is what the police had to say:

“It is important to understand that police K-9s are trained to use force against criminal suspects and the handler must ensure that they have complete control over the dog at all times so that any use of the K-9 in the field is appropriate and lawful,” Stokes said. “When a K-9 is noncompliant with the handler’s commands, the handler is trained to correct the dog. K-9 training tactics and corrective measures can sometimes be alarming when provided out of context.”


This excuse is complete bullshit. 

Modern police or protection dog trainers are not applying aversive techniques any more, only "old school" idiots do.


This is exactly why there are so many failing police dog videos from the US on yt.


It appears the cameraman deliberately recorded this and leaked it to the press.


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stokkebye's picture

I never said you should smack your dog when you are trying to train it, like in this situation. If the dog tries to grab food off the table or is chewing your shoe, slap on the snout with a stern "no". You call that animal abuse? LOL. I leashed trained my dog with treats and making him sit if he gets excited when other dogs are around, if Im training him like that, I wont smack him if he is confused or not listening. But to say you should NEVER smack your dog when it is doing something really bad is just dumb. 

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

No, smacking your dog is just dumb actually.

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stokkebye's picture

When I raise my fist or my hand to my dog, he has no reaction, sometimes thinks Im about to play with him or something, he has no association with "getting smacked" to me raising my fist or hand, becuase he is not abused. Now if he does something, like grab food off the table and I say "no", he knows what that means. 

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daftcunt's picture
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Look, it doesn't matter what you say here now. You are a dumb poser cunt and wanted to show off your "dominance over the beast" on here. It backfired. Nobody will take you seriously on this subject (similar to most other subjects) any longer.


The rabbit story you invented afterwards, or, this is highly unlikely but if not, you didn't take the appropriate precautions to protect your kids and other animals from a dog that apparently has a high hunting instinct.



End of fucking story.

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stokkebye's picture

LOL. The rabbits were for meat anyways, I let my daughter think one of the breeding moms as her pet. I had them in pens that I moved around my yard and sometimes there were low spots and a couple of babies were able to squeeze out and a couple of times the does and buck were able to kick out the fence in their pens. You "guys" are soft as fuck. My 5 yr old helped me skin the rabbits, which she has done with deer many times before. If my dog bit me when I am tryign to grab him or stop him, i'd probably do the same fucking thing, anytime anywhere. I aint gonna let my own damn dog bite me and get away with it, you fucking pussy's! 

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boldfart's picture

"pussy's"     Are you a greengrocer?

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n0val33t's picture
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Uhh, I think you literally did and called people who don't .....pussies?!

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n0val33t's picture
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From a personal experience, how difficult is it to introduce a dog to a rodent? In my experience... no more that one day? And I adopted a 1-year-old crazy-ass, Jack Russel. Hell looked more like a Parson Russel... by just being calm and doing things slowly they were BFF's. Dog's pick up on your state of mind, don't care who you think you are ..... stress hormones, anger, oxytocin.. etc. I know this to be true. 

Creatures that sleep together get along together, this is just my personal hypothesis.


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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

" difficult is it to introduce a dog to a rodent?"


This will very much depend on the dog's hunting instinct. I had a dog for whom it would have been impossible to live with a cat or a rodent, together with my pitbull they would kill any cat or rodent that entered my property. The pitbull would only be animated by him, he could easily live with a cat or a rabbit.

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