6 Pigs Shot


skeptoid's picture

My rating is for the officers, not the comment in the description. If no one dies too horribly they'll make a movie. They'll call it the standoff. Last I checked he still had two Police Officers (or cops if you want Panty) trapped in a room, pinned down, possibly wounded and unable to move. Residents report that, under fire, police officers stormed the building, shielded residents with their bodies, and ushered them to safety. Some of these are possibly the wounded officers. 


Remember - the movie "Crash" was full of annoying shit but one thing it did get right is the paradox inherent with those who have fearless personality condition. They are capable of great acts of bravery, and unimaginable acts of dominant sadism, and likely more than sometimes they have entertained both modes of being. Context matters - a fearless act of insubordination, and yes even a sadistic display of homicidal violence with no apparent concern for the personal negative consequences, can save an entire platoon or inspire a righteous movement. The same acts in a different context can generate and grossly amplify the suffering of millions. In a different context a refusal to engage in violence despite it's apparent justification can save scores from suffering. That's another aspect of being fearless - accepting the reality you are in and not doing anything to make it worse for yourself or others.

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Pantysoaker's picture
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skeptoid's picture

Hey I think cops who abuse their station should made example of, very publicly. Doesn't change the fact that they save lives, and though many have abused you one day one of them could save your life. It's not impossible to imagine.

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stokkebye's picture

How's your war on drugs workin out for ya? Oh a few of you got little scratches from bullets, oh poor babies. Fuck you pigs!

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

How old are you? 14?

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Dagambit's picture

I am confused. Can someone clear this up? Cops were shot right? Like 6 of them, and the site wishes to verbally bash on them, why? Were they dirty cops? Did they try to do something immoral? This doesn't give good back story or maybe I missed it. Hope the officers that seemed to be shot in the line of duty are okay. #AllPoliceArentScum

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The Evil Bat's picture

Don't get one or two salty spikers confused with the whole site. stokkebye for example , just about always has something sassy to say about the Po Po.

Almost like an angsty/edgey teenager. Or just gets that fuckin blotted on drugs that reduces his/her mental from whatever age back to puberty.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

Careful what you're saying man. Cockintheeye used to beat up niggers all the time, he's gonna get you.....

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stokkebye's picture

I have my reasons to hate the police in the USA and they are too long to list so I just say FUCK THE POLICE! Since you asked I'll expand a bit: On almost a daily occurrence there is new video of out of control police officers violating people's rights, shooting innocent people, lack of care for public safety, inhuman treatment of animals(like shooting kittens in front of children, yes that did happen), civil asset forfeiture, etc... and the government either backs them up completely or covers for them and buries the story. Fuck the police is a slogan that embodies the disdain and distrust the American people have of the tyrannical police. If you live in the USA either you have NOT been paying attention or you purposefully choose to ignore the problem, or you are just too young to have seen it yet. I am old enough and have participated in enough protest events to know we live in a tyrannical police state that will crack heads to subjugate and subdue its citizens. If you need further info I suggest you read Howard Zinn's A people American History and go watch some videos from the channel Thinklikeacop. 

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Pantysoaker's picture
front page

if people knew their rights, they wouldnt get fucked with

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stokkebye's picture

Try filming the police and then get back to me on that

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