4K resolution misery


norcimo5's picture

Don't get it. The majority are just WTB ("white trash beautiful")  people.

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n0val33t's picture
front page

People are just chillin'! doing courteous amounts of lower back stretching *laughs* If you took a addict from the 80's and teleported him through time and space to this? You would scare them straight! "I sucked buckets of dick..... , but this shit, naw man..... i wanna get right!" 99%

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Pdub's picture

They were invited to a party, it ended, but they wanted to keep partying until they have fully parted.

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

If the doctor ever give me a timer on the rest of my life, honest to god, i'm selling everything and moving to a shit hole like this where i'm gonna smack myself until I die a happy guy, man.

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