2,700 year old statue dug up

sal9000's picture

Iraq dig unearths 2,700-year-old winged sculpture largely intact | AFP

this got me thinking about how we look at this stuff from our time. how we don't really see this stuff regularly and it's not really something people do anymore, makes it amazing. but if we could clone someone from 700 bc with their memories intact, we could ask them what they think of it. its possible what we think is nice, they think is amateur work. it would be kind of interesting to die and then someone 200 hundred years in the future. reanimates me just to ask me if a certain song was good or not before plunging me back into the darkness

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

I bet you the song is Cardi B's 'Wet Ass Pussy'.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

incels with resurrection technology. sounds fun. i put some thought into what leads up to being asked. guessing it would go something like this


captains diary. earth date 150.95 moral his high aboard the winnebago incelsior. scouring an abandoned godaddy data center in tempe arizona, we found the remains of an anatomical man. even though we have the ability to bring someone back from the dead, we've yet to find any female dna of those that are willing to accept us as potential mates. finding the dna of  man carries the possibility of finding a like minded person and potentially a new crew mate


captains diary. earth date 150.247. subject has matured over the last 5 months. we expect him to to gain consciousness in the next few weeks. he'll need some time to adjust to the situation and then we'll ask him the question


captains diary. earth date 150.273. due to unforeseen consequences, subject has been terminated. during questioning. the subject was asked the profiling question of what his opinion was of cardi b's circa 2020's "wet ass pussy". subjects face began to show an expression of confusion which then turned into disgust. subject then went on to admonish personnel in the room over our fixation of specific song which is one of many during his time, but also undoubtedly one of many that would have come after his demise. that music about explicit sex, is nothing more than an extremely small niche of music which encompass all other genres. focusing on the one that's done by a woman of colour while ignoring every other one that came before and after is very telling of our motivat.. at that moment. recording of prayers began to play over the speakerphone, our lord and savior jordan b peterson's commands to clean our crew cabin rung out through the building. the subject face turned from disgust into disappointment. there was a brief struggle between the subject and the doctor. subject manage to get control of the console and pushed the termination button himself. made the recommendation to use restraints next time

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

You forgot to mention that the termination button simply displayed the text on a view screen: 

'You know the B in LGBTQ means there are only 2 genders.'


Subject shed a tear and disappeared in a puff of logic.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

b in lgbtq doesn't mean there are only 2 genders, it means bisexuality, which is someone who's sexually interested in 2 genders. how long have you been carrying that nonsense around thinking it was your ace in the hole?


think about how impractical it would be to make an operating system so complicated only a few people know how to use. it makes no sense to make a program that to close it. you need to click the "pet a cat" button.

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Don't retcon the B in bi. In the future they realize this is all a fad and go back to the universal wisdom that there's just 2 genders and an infinite number of types of gay.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

does the l in lgbtq mean there is only 1 gender?. how about g, only 1 gender? in the future, you'll realize how big of a piece of shit you are but it'll be too late

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

L stands for Lesvos, an island in Greece. We invented lesbians. You're welcome.

Stop using pet names. Your brain addled self calling anyone a 'piece of shit' only increases their self esteem. Run back to your liberal arts professor and ask them for next steps.

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sal9000's picture
front pageTantrums and Tiaras

here's a few things i've said about myself, one is to you.


"Hi Bobbob and welcome to Spiked. My name's sal9000 and along with being an experienced piece of shit, i've got a lot of free time"

"listen, i'm a piece of shit at times, i'm weird guy all the time"

"in reality i'm not a piece of shit, i'm worse, i'm the worst cause i'm good at it"


how's your self esteem now?


bob, like i've said before, i'm not like the other people you've been talking to. you're not doing yourself any favours in approaching this like you would normally do

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

If that creature was real how did it trim it's beard, it has hooves

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