is arranged and going ahead
9% (3 votes)
has been arranged to be arranged
27% (9 votes)
as been arranged as a publicity stunt and may not actually happen
30% (10 votes)
will never happen
18% (6 votes)
will turn into the most awesome shootout ever
15% (5 votes)
Total votes: 33
(Site Administrator)
Got a poll question you want to see on spiked? let's have a meeting. contact with “poll question” in the subject line.
(Short Spike)
I really hope Trump gets trolled in N Korea. Like, N Korea tests a nuclear weapon WHILE Trump is there.
"ur in our country, da fuq you gonna do about it"
(Old Spike)
If Trump actually goes to Pyong Yang it'll be a ballsey move. That shit would be scary.