Weekly Image Gallery 6/18/2023 - **Special Father's day edition**


backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

Off to get a strong beer from the supermarket :)

The thing is, stores here could only sell 4.7% beers.  If you wanted anything stronger only state-controlled liquor stores could sell it.   

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Bobbob's picture
Discord userfront page

Best thing for the solstice (long day yesterday). Sorry it has to be pisswater though. We've got 9% available here, with barley at the bottom of the bottle. 

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backdraft's picture
Beta TesterDiscord userImage gallery

It's a legacy from the prohibition times. Finns have always been heavy drinkers and I guess they just try to regulate it. 

Stupid rule really, every town has a liquor store so it's just a minor inconvenience that you can't get stronger stuff from any store.

And yeah, the mid-summer holiday here is the biggest drinking time of the year.  

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