Weekly Image Gallery 03/11/2018


Cahu's picture

#76 how did you get PBFcomic that isn't out on their webpage yet?

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pyranos's picture

Shorter gallery this week.  When i got to 79 I worried it was the end already.  I feel like my week isn't complete until this pops up.  

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TheWeirdo's picture
Beta Tester

Maybe it's been out so long, like before you started following them, lol.


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Cahu's picture

I find that difficult since I've been reading his comics from almost the beggining (when he had the old website), that being said I've read them over and over so many times they all kind of merge together in my memory now, so it might be that I just simply forgot about that one

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schenobi's picture

I also wasn't familiar with it, and I've been a long time reader. Funny thing is I can find multiple sources for the image but none on pbfcomics.

Anyway, what a treat

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Cahu's picture

The guy should be declared a national treasure. This is what taxes should be spent on.

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omnomszombies's picture

Are there any criteria that need to be met when sending submissions? Or may I just submit a shit ton of stuff?

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Cahu's picture

Nothing is better than everything

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Violetninja420's picture
Beta Tester

You can submit pics on the forums or if you're have lots you can .rar them up and email them to me!

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omnomszombies's picture

Are we ever getting NSFW galleries back? ):

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Violetninja420's picture
Beta Tester

@omnomszombies - I'm pretty sure the galleries have always been SFW, same with my GIF galleries. Flynn used to do NSFW gif posts, but I haven't seen him make one of them in a while.

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