Old site points

TheWeirdo's picture

Hi guys, as all of you, I have been a member forever and worked for all the points I have and I have over 1000 posts on the old forums.

First, It's awesome the the new forums are integrated on the site and not something seperate you have to log on, like the old one.

I just want to keep all of that with the transition to the new site, if possible.

If not, maybe could you work out new badges, to acknowledge the contributions of members from the old site.

Oh yeah, and keep the badges we have too, eh!

That's going to show the new guys that thetre is a long history behind...

entertainme's picture


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Critikal's picture
Beta Testercock

I will look into importing all the points from the old beta, but this is fairly low priority and will depend on when I have the time.

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Hisoka's picture

And what about my pedo badge?

I think its important to know who you're talking to

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