White Helmets Funding


eh's picture

LOL. Seriously, where do you come up with this shit? Ben Swann? This fucking moron has been presenting conspiracy theories for years that often follow Alex Jones by just a day or two. He's a total idiot. Copying Alex Jones' conspiracy theories almost word for word like the Sandy Hook massacre being a hoax, the totally debunked Pizzagate bullshit, and many more. Don't ruin the good content you post with this asshole.

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danmanjones's picture

Okay I'll look into this guy. I've only seen a couple of his videos before & found them pretty fair & informative. The Sandy Hook part seems troubling. I don't really pay attention to Alex Jones but some of what he says is based on facts so there's gonna be some crossover.

The best way to counter someone is to debunk them rather than defame them with 'guilt by association' tactics.


Edit: Pizzagate and Sandy Hook. Yeah, he seems to like bandwagons. And Alex Jones. You could argue that his ethics are suspect & he could be cherry-picking facts to fit a narrative....but unless his facts are wrong then I still think it's worth looking at. Thanks for the heads up.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes look into him - he reported on Pizza gate, didn't say Sandy Hook never happened and has almost nothing in common with Alex Jones. It's always interesting to see the kind of content that triggers eh - LOL Ben Swann. 

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eh's picture

Fucktoid, he had a bizarre conspiracy theory about Pizzagate which got him fired from a news station, another ridiculous conspiracy theory that Sandy Hook was carried out by multiple shooters, and a lot more without any proof of course. He's an alt-right conspiracy theory moron who most certainly has been right in line with Alex Jones including an appearance on Infowars. Keep in touch with reality. Check it out.

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skeptoid's picture

He was fired for covering Pizzagate in detail - I understand why Grothesk is triggered by the Pizzagate smear of the democratic party, but why does the fact that he covered the entire thing bother you so much? You said he said Sandy Hook was a hoax - he didn't. Lots of people have appeared on the Alex Jones show. Your level of triggering by Ben Swann is bizarrely overblown. On no, Benn Swann. I'm posting all of his stuff here now just so you will flip out and shit your pants.


Hey fuck you I almost didn't watch this - you didn't mention the smoking hot blonde spokeslady. She's so smoking hot.

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eh's picture

I'm not "Bothered" by anything other than false assertions presented as facts and journalism. His coverage of Pizzagate was in line with all of the other conspiracy theorists at the time. This guy is a stiff. When I mentioned him presenting Sandy Hook as a hoax, I meant he promoted yet another of his conspiracy theories. I know Swann from travelling to Atlanta. People there across the board laughed at his bullshit.


No rules against posting Ben Swann. His material will raise the quality of Spiked.

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Grothesk's picture

"I understand why Grothesk is triggered by the Pizzagate smear of the democratic party"


I'm more triggered by people who claim to love "real journalism" so much and then defend Alex Jones and Ben Swann. 


Pizza time.

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danmanjones's picture

What part of the Pizzagate video do you object to? (in eh's comment above)

...Or do you think he fucked up just by covering the story?

(honest q's)

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Grothesk's picture

Within the first 15 seconds he chooses to be intentionally vague.  "This man right here, he carried a rifle into a pizza parlor, and then fired it at the floor.  Media is telling you the entire story is a hoax, or fake news, but what does that even mean?"  


No, "media" is not telling anyone that story is a hoax.  A man actually did walk into a pizza place and fired a gun.  He is intentionally riding the line here with this dialogue; there is truth to the story that a crazy fucking idiot who was inspired by fake news *DID* shoot a gun in a restaurant...but that isn't the "hoax".  As you mentioned before, he then glaringly sources "self-described online investigators" at 1:11.  He then builds the case for why you should care...by quoting fucking GQ Magazine from a tongue-in-cheek 2012 article which he doesn't even actually quote, he simply references.  


And, dude...dude.  At 2:27 he starts using the "symbols used by pedophiles" bullshit.  I mean, come on.  Assuming that he's telling the absolute truth here, one of the most powerful men in Washington, D.C., has his name on the title of a building (or "two doors down", or whatever) that publically showcases that symbol?  So, we're talking about a straight up dipshit here, right?  Or is this grasping as hard as one fucking can for confirmation bias?  Then he starts mentioning dumbass bands that one time performed at a pizza parlor and how they reference pedophilia.  But don't they also reference Christ?  Where's the connection there?  Don't they also reference Super Mario Brothers?  Why doesn't he follow that link?  Don't they also reference Goldfish crackers?  Why doesn't he follow that link?  It's almost as if he's digging for things that only confirm his bias...as though he is suffering from confirmation bias.  


But let's talk about the sideways triangle...because this is journalism, right?  Certainly the FBI would be make it known to the public about that sideways triangle being a very clear and obvious pedophilia symbol, right?  Can anyone at all provide a link because my Google is broken and I can't seem to find a FBI.gov link stating that sideways triangle is a pedophile symbol.  I've waded through pages upon pages of Wikileaks documents and nutjobs claiming that the FBI stated it is a pedophile symbol, but none of them seem to link to a credible FBI source stating that.  So more than a minute of his "news report" references something that has a very questionable source.  If the FBI stated this then the FBI would state it...but they haven't and they don't.  


He then quickly makes the jump from John Podesta to his brother Tony Podesta and digs as furiously as he can for anything that confirms his bias.  So he found this 2003 Washington Post article and essentially presents it as evidence that John Podesta is molesting kids because his brother Tony Podesta had "art" up from Katy Grannan, whose art focuses specifically upon the profiles of people.  Again, they don't mention that Grannan's paintings and photographs are quite varied.  I'm going to allow you to go look up her artwork and notice that she has multiple people of all age groups photographed.  He's also presenting evidence of hearsay from a 2003 article.  


And he did indeed sit there and say multiple times that "there is no proof here that there is a child sex ring" and yadda yadda yadda and then ends on "but we just don't know."  That's not journalism.  That's bullshitting.  I remember watching this video when it was posted "live" on SpikedNation.com two years ago and I had multiple bullshit alarms go off in my head.  Noticing how the term PizzaGate and fake news are now completely synonymous, it appears my bullshit alarms were correct.  It was appropriate for him to get fired for taking this shit seriously and presenting such a confirmation bias-ed and conclusion-jumping "report" as he did.

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danmanjones's picture

I googled "sideways triangle is a pedophile symbol" the first link is to an FBI document released by Wikileaks (the one shown in the video)


he doesn't explain why anything about the neighbouring building & its relation to the Pizza place. So that symbol has no relevance regardless.


Yeah that Podesta brother connection is dodgy journalism. This is the most aggregious error IMO.


My take on it is basically - 'thanks for condensing the facts so I can decide for myself what I think'. I can handle a bit of sloppiness. It's nothing like Alex Jones' space demons.


I admit I was quietly hoping that Podesta would go down just because he's connected to the Clinton crime family.

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danmanjones's picture

I spotted one questionable part where he says "self-described online investigators say....." (10:07)

That type of thing is shoddy journalism & puts his credibility into question. It needs to be re-phrased to completely distance himself from that part of the 'scandal'.

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skeptoid's picture

Yeah there are a few things like that you can criticize but overall it was a great report on the pizzagate story. In fact there was a lot of confusion going on and a lot of misinformation and I didn't really understand the story at all until I saw this report and then I understood the full scope of the entire thing. All I was getting from other MSM Outlets was vague references with no detail, almost like giving the actual detail would incriminate.


The fact is that organized pedophile Rings exist and they are driven by sick people who have all kinds of political allegiances. I would fully expect the ranks of the neoliberals and neoconservatives to be Rife with pedophiles given the absence of basic human morals.

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danmanjones's picture

I agree it was refreshing to see this back then just to cut through the BS. That was the point of posting this video about White Helmets.


The reactions to Ben Swann are interesting. It's always good to try to get to the bottom of a journalists ethics/biases.

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