What happened to Secureteam10's Tyler Glockner


skeptoid's picture

I know someone who knows him - I just became aware of this and have asked for any deets. That mug shot is really something.

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Pdub's picture

I worked for Explore Talent back in the day.  Anyone can upload a photo and make a profile.  


Sucks to see his life spiral out of control.  I was never concerned about him, but I enjoyed the content until he posted the paranoia about people following him.  That's when I got he feeling he was a bullshitter.

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skeptoid's picture

That's the thing about such cases. There are three possibilities - he was primarily focused on the money (I think that's true), or he was being followed and harrassed, or both (I think this is most likely).

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skeptoid's picture

I got the actual details on this. There's a whole angle the video I posted doesn't even touch upon.

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