What do New Zealand Death Stats Tell Us?

skeptoid's picture

Deaths in New Zealand

New Zealand is a fascinating real-world experiment on vaccine safety. After locking themselves out from the rest of the world and thereby strictly eliminating Covid as a variable, they went about with a mass vaccination campaign. What did we learn? Well, not very unexpectedly they had a surge in all-cause mortality in the 60+ cohort that almost perfectly correlates with vaccine delivery intensity. More jabs = more deaths and fewer jabs = fewer deaths. It deserves to be looked into more carefully, but responses from New Zealand’s health authorities indicates that maybe they don’t have any such interest. No surprise there. Further, we’re being “trickle truthed” as the world comes to the realization that not only don’t two jabs work very well against omicron, but neither do three jabs and now four jabs. While the U.S. mainstream media still hews to a stale campaign of trying to whip up more concern and fear over omicron, even the CDC has had to admit that omicron is a lot less deadly and far milder than delta.

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stokkebye's picture

2+2=5 jabs! 

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danman's picture

old people dying in winter?

short-staffed health system during vaccination rollout?


I'd have expected the vaccine trials to cover the kind of thing mentioned in this video although am slightly skeptical of data coming out of US pharma companies like Pfizer (the vaccine NZ used in 2021). The 'science' shown in this video is extremely vague & I'd think what Pfizer submitted to FDA & WHO to gain approval was far more comprehensive.... like Medsafe mentioned.

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stokkebye's picture

Yeah thats definitely NOT the reason why they wanted to release what they submitted in 70+ years!


Judge ordered them to release it in 8 months though, so we'll see.

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danman's picture

I don't have a lot of faith that what they release to the public will be a full picture since they can run their own trials & select the ones that suit them to submit to FDA. FDA can request more data around any trial results they do submit afaik. Hopefully they won't fuck around & just hand it over in full but it's a huge company with a lot of lawyers & $$ on the line.

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