Wet Market


lawngnome's picture

Yeah, NO.  That's not a wet market, that's a standard market.  He is doing the "intellectual dishonesty" lol


The name wet market does not come from the water they use to wash down the concrete, It comes from the blood of animals that wet the floor. Meaning they slaughter and quarter up the meat infront of you.


He should do a tour of one of the 10,000 + actual illegal meat markets.  https://youtu.be/Y7nZ4mw4mXw



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danmanjones's picture

dry market = dry food

wet market = fresh food


This guy runs a cooking channel in China, I'm pretty sure he knows how their food markets are setup.


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lawngnome's picture

Super "fresh food", lol



Explain this away, you cock.

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lawngnome's picture

This is like taking a tour of a freshly opened walmart with no people walking around, and ignoring http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/

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