USA on trial for decades of biowarfare deceit

danman's picture

Security Council on Russia allegations of military biological activities in Ukraine (11 March 2022)

UN Security Council meeting live starting now.

title of the meeting "Threats to international peace & security"

Russia is expected to present evidence of US biolab fuckery in Ukraine

US & its lackies are expected to deflect as hard as poss


Some light reading...


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danman's picture

well that sucked

Russia didn't bring enough substantial evidence, seemed rushed & half-assed.. while US & its lackies were super defensive & political, pumping their petty propaganda & lame conspiracy theory BS trying to dismiss the allegations outright rather than deal with what was presented. US says they have no dangerous shit there but are freaking out about Russia getting their hands on the dangerous shit in their labs... the ones that don't exist except now they do? Yeah, right.

womp womp

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