
skeptoid's picture

Vincent Dooly & The Twerk-N-Ator

I forgot to add a description!

Average: 3.7 (9 votes)


bronobo's picture

i think this stick in a box is an actual product. it's like those subcription boxes but with meat jerkies. the commercial was amusing but it didn't make me want to buy their stuff. poop jokes for a food product.

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Grothesk's picture

This is a comedy video from a guy who has been making comedy videos for years.  It was uploaded to Bowser Videos, so the entire thing is a fabrication, but it's funny.

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bronobo's picture

oh i see, i only clicked on the link and read the title and look ed a t a few pictures

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danmanjones's picture

Twerking is weird, it's an instant boner-killer for me.

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