Tulsi's Debate Numbers


ubershin's picture

she just has absolutely 0 chance, if she had at least 0.1% chance it would be a different story but even that is monumental. Unfortunately she is the equivalent of the Ron Paul for the Demoncrat party. But she's not even good at fundraising. Ron Paul pulled big numbers at that time and still lost bigly LOL

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monkeymania's picture

Besides, the real winner of the Democratic debates was obvious.


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skeptoid's picture

Just wondering if you've noticed that pretty much everything you just said there is the same thing they said about Donald Trump when he entered the race. The election of Donald Trump has changed the equations that you're working with. Watch and see what happens. If it doesn't happen this time it's going to happen next time and you want her to be the one we pick and not something worse than Trump.

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sato's picture

have to agree. fundraising doesn't matter nearly as much anymore. the billion-dollar candidates all lost recently.

also have to say though that search results aren't necessarily a good indicator. it perhaps shows that people who didn't know who she was now do know, so her recognition is going to be much greater, but that doesn't mean people liked what they learned about her, or that they like her more than any other candidates.

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stokkebye's picture

Ron Paul was before the internet had a huge impact on elections. The only way to find informative information on anyone back then was to watch cable TV debates or lamestream media or come to sites like this. Those times are gone my friend, welcome to the new world. I remember being up in arms that Ron Paul got screwed during the debates, they made him out to be weird, cut him off mid speech, never panned the camera on him. Really fucked up shit that wouldnt fly today. 

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stokkebye's picture

I'd vote for her, she's awesome!

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