Tolerant Google

puttefnask's picture

Tolerant Google

I forgot to add a ***********!

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ninjzz3.0's picture result for republican snowflake

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Fullauto223cal's picture

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puttefnask's picture

Hmmm. I post a video criticizing google, you criticise republicans...


Thank you for acknowledging google's liberal bias and that you agree with the parodied invasion of privacy and forced beliefs portrayed in this video.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

Well you have to consider that our pedigree chum here Ninjzz3.0 is a Muslim.  His entire faith is predicated on submission, which necessitates invasion of privacy and forced beliefs.

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puttefnask's picture

I don't mind his religion because he hasn't mentioned it to me.

Ï find his omnipotence regarding any critical thought of the left, directly or indirectly on this website quite worrying.

This is a satirical video about google because of their well-known and well-documented near omnipotent, if not orwellian powers, and parodying it using communist references.


But I've now realized he's not mad about the criticism of google. He's mad about the criticism of Marxism!


I'm sorry ninjzz3.0 but I've ran out of humanitarian causes for you and your party to hijack in order to appear morally superior. But hey you can always invent more genders, leaving actual discriminated minorities back in the line of the world's attention, like homosexuals in the Middle-East getting thrown off rooftops by the "opposition" that "we" support, because schmenderfluid unicorns can't decide on what pronoun we should use when we tell "them", "they", "it", "whatever" to get off our dicks. It's just a bunch of people who wants their asses penetrated while wearing freaky shit. That's not a gender, that's a fetish with elements of roleplay. Safe words and everything. If that is how they presented themselves, people would be like totally cool about it. Vice, Huff, WSJ, and other media outlets would actually give a fuck outside of the times they need to mention the general sense of group's oppression to add a paragraph to another article which will surely lead to the impeachment of the bad orange man.

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