Tiananmen Square

SpikedGnome's picture

Tiananmen Square Massacre: Black Night In June (2019)


But... In just 30 years they've cleaned up their act and now want to rule over you. 


China # 1

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danmanjones's picture

Great footage. Shame about the bullshit narrative.


His timeline's wonky. The protesters setup roadblocks to ambush the army on their way to the square. Troops were attacked & set on fire. This happened ~3 miles West of the square in Chang'an Avenue, where most of this footage was captured.


The narrator says we still don't know what happened in the square because the CCP won't release the footage, while implicating the CCP in an alleged massacre there. In fact the truth has been out for years & known to the Western governments - there was no violence in the square, the protestors left relatively peacefully. [link]


The original claim of a massacre in the square was never corroberated. It came from a Hong Kong newspaper & was quickly repeated across the world as fact. The author of the original piece was never identified and it's highly likely it was black propaganda.


I expect this issue to get beaten to death again this year, it's the 30th anniversary in 5 days & the Americans are going hard on anti-China propaganda.

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danmanjones's picture

It gets even more hairy when you find out that the 5-eyes nations extracted the protest leaders, spending on average $600k to get them out via HK, and at least one of them worked for MI6.

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lawngnome's picture

Damn.  You had your sights on me starting back here sometime huh?

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danmanjones's picture


I think you take things too personally 2bh.


Edit: what happened to your SpikedGnome account?

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lawngnome's picture

I think I had made that after finishing my time doing the image gallery, guess I never used it and instead used this one.

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danmanjones's picture

I don't get why you're not curious to hear a different perspetive

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