Telepathic Drone Swarms are Here


danmanjones's picture


That observatory near Roswell was closed by FBI because the janitor had illegal stuff on his laptop btw. So the story goes.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL. Yes, it was closed down, people who live there to work were told to leave, and everyone had to go get their mail 60 miles away until the residences were re-opened. Because some employee had illegal stuff on his laptop. So perhaps this janitor was a spy or something, or took pictures of something classified. I doubt they would have gone to all that trouble for something like illegal porn or pirated movies.

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danmanjones's picture

It says it was closed because of threats of a serial killer. It's kinda compliated.

here's a link

Since it's just a solar observatory I wouldn't really expect it to be associated with alien activity.

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skeptoid's picture

I never thought it had anything to do with aliens, or Nibiru or spying on white sands, or classified military aircraft. We'll likely never know the actual what and why - a guy can gun down dozens of people and after the investigation is done we accept a conclusion of "Shrug, shit happens". When I read the article I was surprised at how easy it was for me to predict how the official story would read. The article says the janitor said their was a serial killer on the loose when he couldn't find his laptop so they evacuated the area, halted all mail delivery to what was essentially a small town and told the Sheriff to fuck off. Right, sounds legit. 


I wonder if the person who one-starred this video believes DARPA is a myth.



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danmanjones's picture

I dunno about the video. He begins it by saying "possible cover-up" because of some glitch. Glitches happen all the time with space stuff. The Mars rover has a lot going on with it. If it can't send signals back down to Earth then yeah it could take a while. There are a lot of people working on that thing. I was at uni when we had a visit from someone who helped design the surface analyser. She was just a researcher from a university in the UK. I find it hard to believe NASA would try to run some kind of cover-up with such a widely known piece of tech.


I like this guy though. He reminds me of Dib from Invader Zim.


That DARPA is reportedly working on drones being controlled by a direct interface with brain activity is nothing too special. There are people working on artificial limbs that are controlled in a similar way. That brain interface tech is not far from becoming reality. The applications in which it'll be superior to AI &/or a more traditional interface like tablet/laptop is yet to be determined.

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skeptoid's picture

I told people to skip to 5 minutes. When I discovered an interesting article like this I can only use a channel that's actually covering it in a video. Maybe I should just start making videos based on this stuff. The DARPA stuff is really interesting to me but the rest of Tyler's stuff is hit-and-miss as far as I'm concerned.

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