sweet milk of freedom


skeptoid's picture

1:05 - "There isn't a person of color amongst the 800 of you!!!"


Check out James Lindsey on JRE on Spotify today to understand the obsessive disorder that tends to characterize woke marxism's racism and racial segrationist tendencies. Many you see in this crowd have ignorant views, I'm sure. The person filming and the sad channel that produces these edited clips have made conscious decisions, with the full breadth of human knowledge available to them, to seek to be racist in every thought they have and every action they take. 


The channel owner can't even title his vids with intelligence. What's happening in our society right now is what happens when people who are too dumb to realize they aren't smart gain power. The folks you see in this crowd don't, by and large, think of themselves as "smart" and conflate it with "good". They know who they are and who they are not, and they don't front. The mentally ill zealots who salivate at the fantasy of imprisoning and killing this crowd live a false life and demand a false reality to go with it, and they are so sick that anything that risks disrupting the illusion they demand for themselves must be eliminated. It's what they believe.



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stokkebye's picture

Yes, Canada is known for its racial diversity and majority of colored people. Jesus fucking Christ.

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skeptoid's picture

You see the Canadians here who do nothing but post content from an American woke perspective. It's so extremely bizarre.

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