Spotted a Muskrat Yesterday: )

KarlJohanson's picture

Muskrat Spotted in Saanich 2020

Pretty sure this was a muskrat we spotted yesterday. Can anyone confirm that it's not an otter or a beaver?

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)


sato's picture

can't be 100% ofc but they sure look like muskrats to me. not really the body shape of an otter, and in the few frames where they dive they don't seem to have tails wide enough to be beavers.

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KarlJohanson's picture

Yes, the clip from 2017 where they dive and you can see the tails is definitely muskrats. Didn't get a good view of the tail for the one at the beginning of the video though, which is why I wasn't sure. 


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Cahu's picture

What software did you use for the map thing at the end? It looks like the stuff they use for starting credits in submarine hunting movies.


Russian choir music intensifies

Sean Connery intensifies

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KarlJohanson's picture

I like the ray trace style graphics, so I created them in Photoshop 7, drawing the lines with a mouse. The individual frames were compiled to video in Adobe Premier 14. Here's another video where I used the same style graphics:


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Cahu's picture

Well, I have to say it looks really good. I'm sending you 3 free internet points, use them at your leisure.

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sato's picture

orly? wow that's awesome. i just figured you'd used an app of some kind. much impressed you did that.

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KarlJohanson's picture
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KarlJohanson's picture

Correction. Most of the ray trace style animations I've done were ones I drew. I note that a few I did another way.


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