Shenanigans? Stay frosty....


skeptoid's picture

I worked at the company that defined the standards for "telemedicine" for a year. I wrote the PPT presentation that the company president gave on it. God help us all.

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danmanjones's picture

The US is still ahead in general in AI but needs to step up its game if it wants to remain #1. Here's the PPT she's talking about [link]

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puttefnask's picture

A.I implementation is the real second nuclear race.

Whomever wins will secure not only technological dominance, but it gives them the ability to ensure the continuity of the ideology of their choice in all perpetuity.(They're probably not using it to further a competing ideology).


Deep learning A.I has no conscious equivalent able to control it to make moral decisions in favor of human beings or with respect to human rights. So it doesn't really matter which ideology comes on top, though some may be worse than others to begin with. A machine learning algorithm will make choices in favor of an ideology in whatever way it interprets it. And it will evolve faster than we are able conceive. It will stack the world around us, towards making us virtually unable to make the wrong choice according to its definition of right and wrong. The only right choice will be to trust it unfailingly.


I'm saying that the only way to avoid this dystopic horror show, may be to create a conscious A.I. capable of empathy towards the human race when making its choices using deep learning. We just watched a biological virus spread globally in the matter of weeks, which means a deep learning algorithm doing the same in matter of minutes is actually a realistic possible scenario.


Do you really want to give an A.I administrative priveleges?

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