Sandy Hook Never Happened

eh's picture

What Alex Jones said about the Sandy Hook shooting

It's just Alex Jones and he's being sued by parents of dead children among 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members shot by a psycho with a rifle in Sandy Hook, Connecticut. That's no issue. The fact that Jones denies he said it was a hoax is hilarious because he said it so many times on camera. That's no big deal. What is amazing is how many people still subscribe to the conspiracy theory he and many others promote that the murders never happened and it was just a hoax perpetrated by "Gun grabbers" to whip up gun control debate using crisis actors and the murdered children are all alive. I know someone who believes that, there are a lot of people who do, and there are probably people on Spiked who do too.


The only surprise has been that one of the grieving parents hasn't hauled off and murdered Jones or one of the shitfucks who call them liars while they suffer through the loss of their little kid.

Average: 4.4 (5 votes)


danmanjones's picture

Real crisis actors sell suppliments.


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Grothesk's picture

Weird to me that Alex Jones, who is full on 100% fake fucking news, is entirely entrenched in the much so he endorsed the current Republican president while he was campaigning.  Where's Skeptoid and all the others calling out this fake news?  They're too uptight over CNN running an opinion piece over cuckolding, I guess.

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Maxpower's picture

Not sure how much my opinion counts for, but I've always thought Alex Jones was a wackadoo, and that it was a mistake for Trump to have ever given him the time of day. It's no problem at all to call this out as bullshit.

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danmanjones's picture

It's all fake news. At least AJ let people know when Obama was turning the frogs gay.

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skeptoid's picture

Woah woah woah there cowgirl! Just saw this comment from you. I don't watch Alex Jones - apparently eh watches his show religiously, as well as FOX and Friends and a number of other ridiculous "news" shows. I didn't even look at this post because it was posted by eh and the subject was Alex Jones. That means it won't be funny, it won't be current - it will be just be more of "eh" posing as a "RINO".


And you are up in arms right now over the fact that Alex Jones strikes you as a tad sensationalist, and no one here is "calling him out"? LMAO - And you're comparing Alex Jones to CNN and saying "Why don't no one here be like calling out Alex Jones, you guys?" Do you realize what you've just done? If not, as someone who never conjugates information themselves but waits to have it spoonfed to them by some corporate shill, here is a news show that I think you will enjoy:


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Grothesk's picture

I'm mentioning this because Alex Jones' Youtube channel has over 2.3 million subscribers and over 1 billion views on his thousands of we ain't talking about no obscure, unknown chump here.  He commands an audience that rivals that of some MSM outlets.  But I've never once seen you rip into Jones for saying that the Sandy Hook shooting was fully staged...while at the same time you tear CNN to shreds for opinion pieces.  You mention how often "real journalism" is dead and you present to me the hiccups and missteps of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News and yet Alex Jones always seems to evade your wrath.  Why is that?


Alex Jones intentionally sows seeds of misinformation and fake news.  It's time to call a spade a spade.



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Dagambit's picture

All of this wouldn't have been an issue if the "real news" didn't put actors on TV and claim they were the parents because not Parent wanted to fucking talk to them about their recently deceased children. The HOAX was the networks FOX, CNN, CBS, MSNBC and so forth. When they drive a fake narraitve to get better ratings, that was easily disproved that is when the conspiracy theroists go to work.


Alex jones is not credible as an anchor, and you should take his opinions and his guests with a grain of salt. Although, he does cover segments of news that isn't widely broadcasted much like Jimmy Dore, and articles from papers that I consider real news that a lot of people nation wide don't get to hear, because Stormy Daniels or Kim Kardashin's baby.


Example: Where were you when Alex Jones dropped 474 arrests in a pedophile ring got busted in LA? Straight from KTLA news, on channel 5 and in the paper. I grew up with that station. Not everything he says is BS, just a lot of it is.


All that being said, I can't watch him. He is to over the top for me and everyone else on his cast except Millie Weaver, and Leann Macadoo, I can watch both of them all day.

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eh's picture


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