Sam Harris >< Jordan Peterson


danmanjones's picture

Religion is part of our DNA. Dawkins/Harris are frauds. It's good that JP is stealing the bandwgon hoppers who buy their books but it doesn't make a lot of difference.

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blue_devil's picture

Religion is not part of our DNA . There are rational people that don't need religion at all.

You call Dawkins and Harris frauds but don't back it up with anything.

What is fraudulent about them ?

Mind you if there was a god or gods or spirits or whatever they would have no problem aligning themselves to that reality whereas  a religious worshiper given all the evidence in the world that he is wrong will still chose to believe in fairytails becase it makes him feel good about himself somehow.

A religious person is like someone that thinks he has 20 million dolars in some bank account somewhere, he does not know exactly the account number but he knows he has 20 million dolars in it and he feels great about having that money, he sleeps better at night, all is right in the world. But the reality is there are no 20 million dolars and there are no gods .

Now ignore this comment and go back to sleep you sheep.

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danmanjones's picture

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Grothesk's picture

God is a lie, dude.  Do you want to hang out and listen to some Marilyn Manson?

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skeptoid's picture

You make a rational claim, and then reveal that your statement wasn't based on rationality but on pushing off something that has traumatized you or which you believe has victimized others. 

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Grothesk's picture

It was more a joke than a philosophical argument.  It's also very odd that my *intent* matters when talking on universal truths.

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skeptoid's picture

blue-devil so you're conceptualization of "what a religious person is" is limited only to cases where the belief system is transactional. What about the rest?

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blue_devil's picture

If this " You make a rational claim, and then reveal that your statement wasn't based on rationality but on pushing off something that has traumatized you or which you believe has victimized others.  " was addresed to me then i fail to see what part was not based on rationality and i don't push off religion or god or gods  because it has traumatized me in fact i believe that realizing there is no safety net has had a more traumatizing effect . It's a scarry and cruel world out there and we are all alone in it . I am not against god i would actually prefer a world with some sort of god but i do realize that this is my instinct that wants some sort of protection or meaning offered on a silver platter.

It's the same case as Santa Claus. I wish he was true but he isn't.


I  don't think i fully understand what you mean by  transational belief system a  so i can only speculate and say that most religous people most of the time do care about the existence of some god because they want to get something for themselves out of it be it meaning or some sort of love or afterlife or reincarnation or personal growth or understanding or just to know the truth but i am not sure that there would be a good valid reason for someone to believe in a god if he didn;t get something out of it. So it would be your job to talk about what you mean by the rest of them.

I mean if the concept is empty then it holds no value.

An atheist could never be 100% sure that there is no god especially when most religious people fail to even define god. If you don't define what you mean then how can i understand what you mean right ?

But i see atheism as being a stance that is against what you claim to be true about god like he cured your dissease or stuff or any other claim about his interaction with humans so i mantain that if none of the attributes of the concept hold true then the concept is in fact empty.

In the end it doen't really matter if you believe in god but how you act based on that belief. There are plenty of people that claim to be religious or Christians but they act as if there were no supranatural consequence to their actions they in fact act more like they have some sort of trick that they can mentaly perform and can find plenty of reasons to act as they please yet still consider themselves worthy of heaven or god's love and stuff. The human brain is a marvel of nature in the regard as it can hold conflicting beliefs at the same time and most of that time the subject is not even aware of the conflict unless some situation forces him to become aware of it.


All this talk about the existance or nonexistance of a god gods or whatever is pointless.

Here i give you the premise that you so crave : Assume there is a god.

Now you don't know if any of the claims made about it are true so you don't know god.

He might be loving he might be evil he might care about humans he might not ...

Show me evidence of your knowledge of said god. Show me what you know about god that you can prove to be true.


Your core claim as a religious person that there is a god doen't help you at all. All christianity does is claim that it knows god when there is no such evidence of knowledge of said god.


It's not that important to know that there is a object that we can call an apple but that the object can be eaten  or made into cider or interacted with.

It is the interaction that is important.


ps : English is not my main language so don't bitch about grammar.




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ninjzz3.0's picture








Better Jump on quick before the Suckers dry up

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blue_devil's picture

What is this miracle elixir that you claim Sam Harris is selling ?


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