The Russian Assault On Ukraine

Boomshackalacka's picture

What a Russian assault on Ukraine would look like

Well put-together explanation of what the Russian assault on Ukraine will look like done by Caspian Report. Russia will crush Ukraine with deaths likely in the thousands and any occupation being a drain on Russia. There's really nothing good for anybody in the long run but Putin will need to decide in the next few weeks while the ground is hard packed. The thaw brings mud and the Russian's massive advantage in tanks would be bogged down. Add Ukrainians and anti-tank missiles and Russia would be in a quagmire. February 10th. If there is a patch of clear weather beyond that date, I can see Russia attacking right around then.

Average: 3.5 (2 votes)


danman's picture

Shirvan of Caspian Report isn't a miltiary analyst by any stretch, he has anti-Russia bias & he gets a lot of things wrong. His takes on geopolitics are often retarded but he does great graphics & presents some fundamental information really well, even if he ignores/overlooks a bunch of important info. On a controversial topic like 'war in ukriane' the best you'll get from his channel is a 2/5 hot take IMO.


> February 10th. If there is a patch of clear weather beyond that date, I can see Russia attacking right around then

lol. What an idiot.

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Boomshackalacka's picture


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danman's picture

Fine thanks.

What's the upper limit on your prediction of "Russia attacking"?

Feb 10th -> ???


Shall we say Feb 20th - the final day of the Olympics?

Last time Olympics was on in China there was a Georgia-initiated conflict in South Ossetia. Russia rekt that fool Saakashvili & showed the world how stupid it is to throw yourself under the bus expecting NATO backup.


You think Zelensky is gonna pull a Saakashvili?

or do you think Russia's gonna just attack out of the blue because ... reasons

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Boomshackalacka's picture

If you go beyond February, the logistical challenges of mounting a considerable and devastating attack become progressively less favourable to Russia.

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danman's picture

So what happens when Russia doesn't invade by the end of Feb?

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nakedslave's picture


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danman's picture

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danman's picture

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