President Washing Machine

danmanjones's picture

Deutsche Bank flagged Trump transactions

If you dig into his past business dealings it's hard to not come away with the picture of a front man for major money laundering operations by Eastern Europeans.


Ms. McFadden, a longtime anti-money laundering specialist in Deutsche Bank’s Jacksonville office, said she had reviewed the transactions and found that money had moved from Kushner Companies to Russian individuals. She concluded that the transactions should be reported to the government — in part because federal regulators had ordered Deutsche Bank, which had been caught laundering billions of dollars for Russians, to toughen its scrutiny of potentially illegal transactions.


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sato's picture

this is textbook fake news. an automatic report, signifying nothing, used to suggest that trump might have criminal business.

the real news was a year or so ago, when banks such as hsbc, jp morgan, and citigroup were caught regularly laundering an estimated $2 trillion every year, and had to pay a couple $billion in fines. that is the companies paid the fines, no-one working at the banks or anyone responsible for overseeing the criminal transactions received any kind of punishment whatsoever.

as a result of that, banks now have systems that trigger warnings for all kinds of stuff. the last time i tried to send more than a couple $hundred overseas it generated a script which resulted in my bank calling me to make sure i wasn't sponsoring north korea or any terrorist organisations with the money.

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danmanjones's picture

If you read the NYTimes piece it appears to be more than nothing but you're right that it's in no way a smoking gun & that the big banks are terribly corrupt.


...Ms. McFadden said, she also complained about how the bank was scrutinizing the accounts of high-profile customers, such as those in public office. Those customers — known as politically exposed persons — are regarded as at heightened risk of being involved in corruption. As a result, their accounts are subject to extra vetting.


Ms. McFadden said she had told her superiors that dozens of politically exposed clients of the private-banking division, including Mr. Trump and members of his family, were not receiving that added attention. Her superiors told her to stop raising questions, according to Ms. McFadden and the two former managers.


After taking her complaint to the human resources department, Ms. McFadden was transferred to another division. She was terminated in April 2018...


She and the two former managers said they perceived her termination as an act of retaliation.

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