Pool Responds to Conspiracy Critics


danmanjones's picture

So the only Alt Right activists are Milo Yiannopoulos & Richard Spencer?

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skeptoid's picture

They are the most high profile so they are the ones used to smear (I'm not sure it's accurate to call Milo alt-right). But of course there are many more - anyone who talks about their fears for the white race is an alt-right activist. For example Faith Goldy.

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danmanjones's picture

It's so open to interpretation. It seems like just a way to smear people. Maybe those people do exist. I've never seen them (although I can count on 1 hand how many minutes I've spent on breitbart.com). That rally in NC was neo-nazis, white nationalists & right wingers, with confused anarchist snowflakes trying to save the world by shutting down their freedom of movement & speech. Those conservative groups pre-date this silly 'alt-right' label. Labels are stupid anyway. Ugh. What's the point in even talking about it.

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skeptoid's picture

You are essentially right about how it's being used as a cudgel to smear AND to get ahead of academics challenging the identity politics movement and smear them to reduce converts.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL You guys are slipping. You don't have the endurance.

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acdc51502112's picture

too many shills and double accounts

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Grothesk's picture

Are you referring to your two comment down votes?  Does ANYONE care about comment votes?


Vote me up if you do.  


Vote me down if you don't.


Get fooked either way.

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skeptoid's picture


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