NYT Photographer Joking "We've All Been Vaccinated"


skeptoid's picture

Yeah wait a few more months - watch in the light of hindsight how much of a complete and utter bullshit clusterfuck this whole response has been, as well as the characterization of the threat. I have remained pretty quiet as I watch the usual suspects get behind authoritarian policies exploiting what is increasingly looking like a non-crisis. I understand how this can happen when something unknown hits us biologically, but we can also clearly see how corrupt governments and international systems have made it so much worse than it needed to be. I have no patience for those mocking starving folks who want to get back to work as it becomes evident that our initial evaluation of the crisis was both late and overblown.


Btw my ex-wife's grandma got the COVID. She's 97. She recovered last week. I didn't expect she'd make it.

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