News on the 2nd hand tesla.....

daftcunt's picture

How I became a victim of the Tesla system

Elon still forgot to add a car!


Are they really trying to fuck with this guy?

Average: 5 (4 votes)


danmanjones's picture

His mum's funny

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phanto's picture

From an external point of view it appears that the company attempts to manage their sales in a decentralized manner, where a different person picks up the dossier at every step without anyone really keeping track of everything. This clearly doesn't work, at least with the way it is currently implemented as nobody seems to know what's going on in the process and the client is left waiting in the dark with most of the information passed to him being false.


This screams incompetent management.


Some manager far higher up in the food chain most probably thought that a decentralized system like this could save the company money by doing the same job with fewer employees and ignored said employee's feedback about how it affects their ability to do their job. He probably even got a big bonus for that as on paper it looks like a lucrative decision. Hopefully someone higher up in the chain will catch wind of this and fire that moron. But my experience in these situations is that this person will unfortunately get away with it and continue ruining the company from within while getting pay raises for it.



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GKhan's picture

Or they are focusing on the processes that make the most money and this is a low revenue generation business so is simply a low priority. I'm sure they will fix it but when...

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Trevicahn's picture

I've been keeping up on this guys channel for a bit and Tesla is insane. Totally decentralized like Phanto said. Its almost as if its impossible for one person to take conrol of the situation and remedy it.


Let this be a warning to you. Never give money upfront...Because if you do there is literally no incentive for them to help you in a timely manner.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I know all the Elon dick riders on Spiked are ready and willing to defend their lord and savior, but I told you all Tesla was a scam.


This guy's dedication to what any rational person would see is obviously a shit company, with shit management and shit communication that don't actually give a flying fuck about the customer beyond sending some ass kissing emails about how so very, very sorry they are.


All the flags are there man.  Ask for your money back and get out while the getting is good.  But we all know that isn't going to happen.  His faith in Teslaism is to great to see reason.  He's going to keep letting them shaft his asshole knowing that EVENTUALLY, when all Elon's employees feel like it, he will get his shitty used electric car and he can get on with virtue signalling to all his peers just how much he "cares" about environment.

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Trevicahn's picture

I agree. While I think Tesla actually makes decent cars, eventually a company will enter the market with lower cost vehicles, better customer service and more credibility. Then Woosh! bye bye tesla.   

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