A New Professor of Everything

danman's picture

Jordan Peterson on Rogan

one who doesn't wear a tux to a podcast ... or make himself cry all the time, tx


Average: 4.5 (2 votes)


skeptoid's picture

Commie doesn't understand Tim's humor lol. Commie clicks in and out of his own posts to boost the view count LOL and he's an admin.

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danman's picture

the jokes themselves don't need explaining.

this whole clip was Tim politely saying there's too much Peterson & he's a wash at this point.

he called out peterson for trying to act like an expert on everything ... what peterson said about climate change on the recent rogan show was (typically) moronic, high school-level shit.

Tim also touched on how peterson's a guy who got famous for "standing up to LGBT" ... he didn't mention how it was based on a bunch of disinfo about a bill in Canadian parliament because that'd alienate some of his own audience but Time's pretty smart & probably knows what's up with that.

there were also jabs at the weinstein hacks.

overall I give it 4/5 because his wingman sucked it a little.

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skeptoid's picture

There's only as much Peterson as you expose yourself to, Dan. If you want less Peterson, watch less Peterson. 


People like you are a bit confused by the JRE interview with Peterson. Joe was very challenging - disagreed with Peterson a lot. There's this fear of Peterson's "authority" that authoritarians project because of how their minds work. It's through this prism that you read Tim's joke, as shown by your comment above.

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danman's picture

I didn't watch the interview, the guy talks a lot of shit & Rogan's no better. Nothing to gain from watching it.

I caught a couple of clips including the climate change rant. It was embarrassing for him & his fans.

Typically I don't bother watching reactionary grifters but since I'm on this site & you're a #1 fanboy of that charlatan, uploading his nonsense all the time I'm gonna weigh in on it. Bummer for you.

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skeptoid's picture

And you're not a wokeist, are you? In private you mock them, don't you? But they're useful for you and yours right now and so you pander. There was no climate change rant - Peterson just talked for 10 minutes about climate, and made the point that the models suck, as they have for some time. That's not a rant - the fact that models become less accurate the further out you try to predict with them is a fact, not a rant. You know that, though.

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danman's picture

you talk about me a lot but you needa decide whether I'm a commie or a "wokeist" (cringe term btw)

save what you have to say about climate change for someone who isn't gonna just roll their eyes.

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