Nazi Pedophile Apocalypse Cult

lawngnome's picture

The Nazi Pedophile Apocalypse Cult

I forgot to add, has anyone checked on what the geman youth are up to? 

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danmanjones's picture

Cool click-bait title. In reality, this guy was not a Nazi. He was a member of the Hitler Youth & a medic in the Wehrmacht during the war. He fled West Germany in 1959 when the authorities wanted him for raping children. His cult in Chile was founded on Baptist and "anti-communist" principles & modelled after that of William Branham, an American preacher. Chile was under a US-installed military dictatorship when he was diddling kids there. Based on the allegations on Wikipedia I'd guess he was being used to "dissapear" people for the right-wing government - he's linked to the disappearance of several people invluding political activists.

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lawngnome's picture

Nazi - Check 
Pedo - Check

Apocolyptical - Check

Cult - Check 

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