Moscow Exchange is open


stokkebye's picture

Dude, Russia is cut off from the modern world. Have fun playing in shit with the shithole country's and China! LOL 

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danman's picture

I don't think airspace is a major issue for Russia, it cuts both ways


as far as airplane safety, they're not gonna become like Iran for a variety of reasons


got anything else to show "Russia is cut off from the modern world"?

no more facebook?

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Timmy Tosser's picture

Posted by the same person who believed the invasion wouldn't happen. Someone clearly doesn't understand basic economics... move along, nothing to see here.

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danman's picture

an 11% MOEX rally can only mean they've been crushed, just like Biden said, right?

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norcimo5's picture

This is just another one of danman's 垃圾进垃圾出 posts.

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danman's picture

don't be sad that people wanna buy shares in Moscow mate

maybe next time your daddy tries to crush an economy he'll pull it off

13,000 children have died during birth this year in Afghanistan due to malnutrition brought about by western sanctions+theft if that makes you feel any better.

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