Lindsey Graham Loves Biden?

monkeymania's picture

Lindsey Graham Loves Biden

A weak moment. Tremendously weak. A lot of people are saying it was weak.




Average: 4.6 (9 votes)


puttefnask's picture

Weird of someone to post this on youtube without any note of when it was recorded.

Oh, it was originally posted four years ago? How devious to leave that out. It's almost as if it defeats its own purpose if given the correct context, which can be found by googling for its source for 2 seconds in order to find it.

Is their relationship four years ago somehow supposed to be relevant now because Biden happens to be running for President against Trump in the present?


Ya'll on some back to the future shit with your gotcha posts.

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monkeymania's picture

Gotcha post? I think it was pretty obvious he said it a long time ago. Lindsey has been licking Trump's balls for over 3 years plainly. It isn't an attack ad or anything it is just funny to hear Ball Sucker Lindsey lauding Biden at one time. Biden has said ridiculous shit too and it will be played out a lot. It should be.


A better look at Lindsey would be him praising Biden and labeling Trump for exactly what he is: a race baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. Period.


You know y'all. Crazy back to the future and back gotcha bullshit.



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puttefnask's picture

Funny how what made Lindsey say that, was listening and believing in what the liberal media told him at the time.


Trump has a 96% approval rating in the Republican party now, including Lindsey Graham's support, because they've learned during these last years that it was all a well orchestrated, yet poorly substantiated hit job. How? Through the multiple investigations all the allegations provoked through a tedious objective legal process which does not ignore context despite media attempts at doing so.


Jumping back and forth in time combining footage while ignoring the events that led to those statements is warping context in order to mislead people. It can be really effective, but after first becoming aware of that process, it's painfully obvious when it's being done no matter who is trying to convince you, right, left, corporate or in private life.


I envy sincere left-leaning anti-Trump people, because the red pill they inevitably will have to swallow has grown so potent it would enduce in them a religious type experience probably equivalent to Neo waking up in the movie "the Matrix". Which is completely fictional, yet one of the most effective movies at conveying cognitive dissonance.


But Russia is in the past. This time they're going for China. But since Chinese interests are so imbedded in the Democratic platform with the corporations whom pay them through lobbying their legal needs, Democrats are not going to be able to maintain the same organised crusade. It's more likely to fall apart even faster this time.

The general public is also exhausted by the constant Trump coverage, they're more likely to ignore most of it.


The only real danger I see is that the furthest-left has dared to encroach on the STEM-fields, and are now using their vague definitions in pursuit of social justice in order to force a growing part of the respected scientific community to adhere to their demands. Its success would halt every field representing human progress.


That would be the real birth of the often right-wing attributed hypothetical scenario of an Idiocracy. And I'm not talking only about the gender/sex debate. They want the power to change language and results of measurements in fields they find offensive for whatever reason they make up on the spot. And it's happening right now.


A world where "2 + 2" will be pronounced to equal 5, because mathmatics along with physics will be deemed an equally subjectively relevant field, subject to change in interest of protecting the feelings of a fanatic cult and their ideology.

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monkeymania's picture

Holy shit. Perfect Trumptard cult diatribe right there. Yep, Lindsey is a real straight shooter.


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puttefnask's picture

Yes, worrying more about the situation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics than what an associate of the bad orange man said years ago is such a classic Trumptard move.


I have pointed out a potential attempt at misinformation, and sometimes that's all it takes to deflate its momentum.


Whether it was a purposely edited clip shared now in order to misinform or not, or an attempt to point out hipocrisy of a politician, leaving out the original date from which the clip originated could very likely lead to misinforming someone to take it or use it out of context. Which sadly occurs quite often these days.


Again with the readily available images instead of words. Didn't we already have this talk?

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monkeymania's picture

Talk? Talking to Trumptards is like talking to Scientologists. I don't read your shit. A complete waste of time. Deprogram from your cult. You will be amazed at reality.

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