It's Time: Listen to the Children

Fullauto223cal's picture

It's Time: Listen to the Children - Owen Benjamin (and the unbearables)

Every since the most recent school shooting the liberal media has banded together to solve the problem. Some people are cynical about the media, not me, I think they finally know that it's time. It's time to listen to the children for once.

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skeptoid's picture

Oh snap, guess who's back?


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Fullauto223cal's picture

Haters gonna hate.  Good video.  May the truth prevail.

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Grothesk's picture

A guy who's never been shot at is telling people who've actually been shot at how stupid they are.  I could tell where this was trying to be funny and it fell on its face.  This is just punditry.

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skeptoid's picture

I thought it was funny, but it's also missing the fact that some of the children speaking out on mainstream news sites and even speaking to the President don't think getting rid of guns will solve the problem. So through sarcasm Owen is suggesting something - that the left is using children to push their agenda while I presume the right ignores them - which is demonstrably false. EVERYONE is exploiting the children (LOL 2nd one below - the irony of FOX titling it "Is the media ignoring conservative kid?" while doing a mainstream national news story on him):




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