Inside Huawei

skeptoid's picture

Inside The Chinese Telecom Giant That Trump Banned (HBO)

Bring on the social credit system! Conform or be left behind! Go along to get along and obey authority, and you will be rewarded. Turn a blind eye to that which disturbs your conscience - the party has its reasons.

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danmanjones's picture

It's amazing how many people are still puppets on a string parroting received opinions and meaningless derogatory labels instead of just paying attention to what's actually going on.

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skeptoid's picture

Yes when I wrote that I was thinking about how I learned from you that it's just a Innovative way of tracking people's Financial commitments that's all. LOL

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danmanjones's picture

Tracking financial history, rewarding & enforcing it. Just like we do.

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skeptoid's picture

LOL yes just like we do. Do you own stock in Huawei? Are investors even allowed to invest in the company?

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danmanjones's picture

No, only employees can invest in the company. Is that related to the credit rating system in China or...?

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