I Guess I'm For Democracy...

Boomshackalacka's picture

Tucker For Democracy!

Fucker is a real gem.

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Boomshackalacka's picture

"I guess I'm for democracy...I guess."

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danman's picture

What's the guy on the right talking about?

US orchestrated the overthrew of Ukraine's elected president in 2014.

Just one of many elected leaders US has couped since WWII, & they're far more prolific than any other country in doing this.


They even topple leaders in "allied" countries. You gotta have rocks in your head to believe that horseshit about Murica promoting democracy. They try to promote their own interests, nothing more.

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Boomshackalacka's picture

Thank GOD we have China and its 50 cent army of internet fools to promote freedom, truth, and change the minds of the people who are negative about China in any way.

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danman's picture

US overthrows other governments & preaches about democracy. China does neither.

Your attempt to deflect is too obvious. Stay on the topic you posted about.

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stokkebye's picture

Russia has elections, elections similar to ours(USA) ;)


I think it has more to do with ethno-centric western European supremacy tendencies. They dont view Russia as part of the "it" crowd. I never understood why there was soo much hatred towards Russia. Every nation needs its enemy to unite the people, so they dont unite against their own government, I guess.


You are a fool to think it has anything to do with "democracy". You clearly do not know history. Its people like you that supported the Iraq war and used the excuse of "spreading democracy" that I hate so much.

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danman's picture

It's something that I'm a bit puzzled by too. There are those in US establishment who think being closer with Russia would be better while trying to confront China. Kissinger told Trump to do this before he took office & he tried but the "deep state" fucked that plan.


I think US has a blob of idiots figuring out their foreign policy these days. Confronting both China & Russia at the same time was stupid.


Some of the reasons the US wants to confront Russia I can think of

- Generates money for US weapons industry & media conglomerates

- Russia doesn't follow US orders (mainly to do with economics & allowing Wall St to loot the place)

- Russian military is a near peer, which US policy dictates is unacceptable

- It's fairly cost-free since it's so far away from US homeland. EU states are the ones in jeopardy here, not US

- US wants to stop the Nord Stream II pipeline coming online at all costs ... keeping a wedge between Russia & Europe is a key strategy of Washington DC since Cold War.

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Boomshackalacka's picture

IS Retarded, Russia is a bit more of an authoritarian country than the U.S. So you're all going pro-Russia now? Really? Well, I guess you need to do what Fucker says. I guess.

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danman's picture

who cares if it's A Democracy(TM), a caliphate, absolute monarchy, commie regime or a combo of these. It's none of your business how other countries run their shit.


you use Democracy(TM) as a brand & behave like we have a global dictatorship with the authority to tell countries how to govern themselves. What happens when Australia's not a vassal within the strongest empire? You want China to be able to punish Aus for not implementing socialism with koala characteristics?

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stokkebye's picture

Ive never really been anti-russia. Not really pro-russia either. I just dont follow the hate like a mindless tard sheep. I grew up with Russian "refugees", immigrants? We always called them refugees, but that doesnt make much sense. From the late 80's to 90's. They were placed in our housing projects. I remember thinking as a kid whenever I heard on the news or my fathers friends talking bad about Russians or Russia that the Russians I knew were good people, so what the fuck? Now I dont really see much difference in the way Russia operates and how our govt operates. They are both fucked!

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danman's picture

oh hey, the yanks just facilitated the overthrow of another democratically elected president


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