How many resets?


boldfart's picture

what a pratt.


Then comes the Middle Kingdom (circa 2055-1650 BCE). It’s during the Middle Kingdom that the true upheaval of religion I’d been searching for began. Rulers from Thebes (a part of Greece) began rebuilding Egypt, where their own god, Monthu, and the god Amun began rising in the esteem of the people.

It’s during this transition that most Egyptians decided the pharaohs of the Old Kingdom no longer retained god-like status, and it wasn’t long after that the looting began. It is known, in fact, that Khufu’s pyramid was looted in the Middle Kingdom, and it is assumed that a vast majority of the looting had been done by the time the New Kingdom began.

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skeptoid's picture

She can read.

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boldfart's picture

You still stalking eh?

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