How Is Freedom Actually Made?

eh's picture

How It’s Made Condoms

Real freedom is elusive. It takes science and a manufacturing process to help you avoid that herpes and syph that will ruin a happy ending on a trip to a fun house to peruse some sluts.

Average: 4.1 (9 votes)


Fullauto223cal's picture

They obviously aren't that great, one broke and led to you being here.  ;)


2:48 looks like a pile of used condoms cover in jizz.

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eh's picture

No condom could prevent my spawning. Though the best part of you leaked down the crack of your mother's ass. ;-))


You seriously watched that whole video?



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Fullauto223cal's picture

Ah, nice Full Metal Jacket reference.  You might not be such a lost cause after all.


Yes, I did.  I'm married with three kids and my wife was fixed after #3 so condoms are useless to me.  I do remember using them a time or two before we had childen and my wife had taken some other medications that were said to countact birth control; it took damn near all the feeling away.

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eh's picture

LOL I actually laughed when Sgt Gross, my toughest drill Sgt, used that one and I had seen it in Full Metal Jacket. Laughing was the biggest and the only mistake I made in basic-not Marine Corps either. Sgt Gross stole that one, though Kubrick stole it from boot camp from decades ago.


Ditching condoms has to be one of the real positives to married life opposed to the negatives.

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warriorcookie's picture

I never use a condom, I just put my thumb over the tip...

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eh's picture

Impressive technique when faced with a squirrel dick.

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warriorcookie's picture

You sound like my wife...  

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eh's picture

LOLOLOL You must shut her up with the balls tho.

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