Those of us who are still left need to seriously consider a more aggressive targeting of these murderous thinking patterns. Ignore the confused idiots - focus on the thinking that got them there.
(4 votes)
Those of us who are still left need to seriously consider a more aggressive targeting of these murderous thinking patterns. Ignore the confused idiots - focus on the thinking that got them there.
(Long Spike)
Who voted this down? It's Joe fuckin' Rogan.
(Old Spike)
They make some good points, especially the guest saying how both sides are trying to get something out of victimhood/skin colour rather than their own merit.
(Long Spike)
A failure of the educational system pretty much sums it up. Seems like people that get drawn to this sort of stuff mostly share the same factor of poor education. They rely on simplified and emotional explenations as the ones based on fact and evidence go over their heads.