HK Sovereignty Under Threat

danmanjones's picture

American Imperialist Hong Kong Bill

If you disagree with the video, try to find the balls to state why he's wrong.


If you disagree but lack the testicular fortitude and just wanna troll/smear/lie, try to be funny at least. 



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stokkebye's picture

Thats pretty fucked up. Why cant "China" just annex HK? 

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danmanjones's picture

They don't need to annex hk, it's recognized as Chinese territory already. Sovereignty over hk was handed from UK to China in 1997.

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monkeymania's picture

Let me get this straight. Not only are you just going to keep posting your pro-CCP drivel, but you are going to use videos from Nathan Rich, a very questionable character who is living in and in bed with China. Give everyone a break will you? How about some scholarly opinion? Rich is a dipshit. Look at his videos. His comment sections are packed with wu mao "China is great" operatives. It's pathetic.


Watch this video and then Google translate and read the comments. Rich is ALLOWED to post by the Chinese government. I wonder why?





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danmanjones's picture

What makes him a dipshit?

That he disagrees with you about something you hate?

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monkeymania's picture

I don't hate China. I dislike the narrative that everything about it is great, ignoring the negatives (I know-lies) while promoting everything positive-it sounds like total propaganda straight from the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

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danmanjones's picture

Videos about unrest in China isn't "ignoring the negatives"

Why not have a go at refuting him?

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monkeymania's picture

Everything Rich says is irrefutable fact and he's a stand up character. I was talking about your penchant for ignoring the negatives and painting the CCP as doing no wrong.

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danmanjones's picture

You assume I or Nathan ignore the negatives because we don't believe the same negatives you do, that whole China Bad/dystopia stuff. There are many things I could say that are critical of China but we don't ever get close to a real discussion, it's all a bunch of fear, paranoia & demagoguery which I don't buy into.


You China Bad people only ever speak negatively about the place. This is fine for the interest of discussion/debate but unfortunately you're full of shit & don't even make an attempt to make reasoned arguments. It's as if anyone that doesn't buy into the China Bad model is crazy with you guys. It's kinda irrational & you all just repeat the worst of the conspiracy garbage. I don't know why it bothers you so much that I have a different opinion but I'm guessing you have an ex-girlfriend from the Orient that fucked you over or something.


The way you insist people think like you with the same opinion, else they're crazy, is kinda sad & it's a missed opportunity to learn & argue over real shit like liberalisation, information freedom, propaganda etc. All interesting topics which we could compare like US v China in an objective way & even learn from each other. I have a lot of knowledge about both places & don't mind playing the China shill here to debate you. The topic isn't going away, it'll be the real #1 soon, & some things are arguably done better there than in the West. Maybe just suck it up & act like an adult?


You can keep posting that lame Nathan Rich smear disinfo, I don't really care. Nobody with a brain buys into it. It's lamer than 'Trump is a Putin puppet'.

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