The fruits of your labour

skeptoid's picture

Democratic Voters Want to IMPRISON the Unvaccinated

No mass formation psychosis to see here - holy frack! It's why these authoritarian govs are backtracking and scrambling right now to de-escalate. They thought they'd deliberately provoke hysteria and they did a bit too good of a job. Now, as about 30% of the population calls enthusiastically for atrocities to be committed in their name (the names of the "leaders" who provoked this insane condition) I think those "leaders" are starting to picture themselves a bit differently than they have before. What do we do with leaders that deliberately create the conditions for atrocity? That'll sober you up quick. 


The people on this site who have called for atrocity are now trying to shift to portraying what they were demanding as just kidding around - "we were just trolling" and whatnot. They weren't - they want to see the atrocities. It's all that's left for them to live for.


I don't support taking the kids away from parents who answered yes to this poll, but I do think they should be thoroughly investigated. We can't allow children to be indoctrinated into mass murder ideologies.

Average: 3 (4 votes)


skeptoid's picture

I'm working on doing what I can to get a movement started to investigate and fine or imprison any media figure that called for any of these things. You can't advocate mass murder in your position as a media figure. You simply can't do that.

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danman's picture

so you want censorship by way of jailing media figures

good to know

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