Dodging (6) SAMs - Surface-To-Air Missiles

lawngnome's picture

F-16 dodging 6 Iraqi SAM launches on Jan 19 1991

Partly a test for time stamped input, 3:00 - Shit gets REAL.

From YT's description of the video:

"This was one of the largest daytime raids and after 2 nights of pounding by coalition forces, the Iraqi's were throwing everything they had.

The vid starts out with his pre-mission arming before takeoff as he narrates into the video. The SAM action begins around the 3:00 point. The radar warning receiver tones and chirps can be heard often. In some cases, you can see the missile smoke trails.
A good read about Package Q that this aircraft was part of is at: It is a PDF file and is well written."

Average: 5 (4 votes)


lawngnome's picture

Trying a post with a time stamp is a no-go.    Tried this submission,

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bronobo's picture

when i do stuff like this in microsoft flight simulator, it says overstress and my plane is destroyed. i guess i need another 100 hours to go from pro pilot to super pro pilot.

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Cahu's picture

Main problem when taking combat fighters to their limit is actually G force on the pilot. You can hear his voice get all tense when he's pulling those G's. Dodging 6 SAM missiles is no small feat, especially when you consider those fuckers are REALLY fucking efficient at blowing things off the air. There are no near hits. Those things explode close enough to the fighter, you're toast. And they can turn around after the first miss to come back for a second try. F-16's were the default Wild Weasel fighters. They carried Radar Seeking AGM's and would lock on to any Radar source (like the one's firing those SAM's which were always conveniently placed near airfields). The problem is they had to get close enough to fire them. Fun times.

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