China: A New World Order


Boomshackalacka's picture
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danman's picture

uh oh..

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norcimo5's picture



1a : a person granted absolute emergency power especially, history : one appointed by the senate of ancient Rome
b : one holding complete autocratic control : a person with unlimited governmental power
c : one ruling in an absolute  and often oppressive way (fascist dictators)
2 : one who says or reads something for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record : one that dictates
3 : Xi Jinping
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danman's picture

China's not a dictatorship under Xi but it is a dictatorship. It's stated in their constitution.

US supports 73% of the world's dictatorships & has consistently overthrown democratic regimes to install them so I don't see how PRC's form of governance should be a probrem for the west.

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norcimo5's picture

China's not just a dictatorship, It's a dictatorship under Xi Jinping.  No need to sugarcoat the obvious.  Not necessarily a problem for the west or anyone else that's not living in China or under China's control, until it is.

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danman's picture

that's like saying Russia's a dictatorship under Putin, it's just not the case IMO.


The mandate they're given is akin to a CEO whereas the mandate of a president of US or PM of Australia is more like upper-middle management under a capitalist oligarchy, with a NatSec establishment breathing down their necks. Not being a salesman like US/Aus "leaders" doesn't make someone a dictator in my view. With Putin or Xi their mandate is based on performance & a certain amount of appeasement of various power factions. When it comes to dealing with other countries they are the "final boss" though. It actually makes things easier for other countries to have someone to deal with who's more in charge like that. You can take their word as meaningful.

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skeptoid's picture

Everything the CCP power structure claims and everything the US power structure claims is false. This guy's job is to boost the image of the CCP power structure while attacking the image of the US bureaucratic power structure. Both are s*** and need to be consigned to the dustbin of history. We all know that. And we all know that the Democratic party is not the answer to either problem. They are the source of one of the two branches of the problem.

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danman's picture

it's better to say nothing & let people assume you're an idiot than say a bunch of crap & remove all doubt.

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norcimo5's picture

Oh I agree with you 100%. Putin is not a dictator, he's a "Godfather" running his Russian mafia empire. And yes, in a way, its performance based: Putin is about to perform the biggest chess move with Ukrane.  And let's not forget China is doing a fantastic job with human rights and civil liberties.  If you speak out against China in Chinese soil, they'll whisk you away to a nice school, all inclusive, with meals and coersion galore.




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danman's picture

We can compromise & call Putin the Godfather of Russia, nevermind that western estabishment media-inspired mumbo jumbo. Save it for someone who hasn't got a clue what they're talking about either, you guys can have a yarn about Putin the cartoon villain.

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