China Bad # 1


lawngnome's picture

From Mar 20, 2020

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danmanjones's picture

Produced by NTD

NTD = New Tang Dynasty = Falun Gong


Falun Gong is a cult



Falun Gong was banned in China because it's dangerous - eg. encouraging the "disciples" to not visit hospitals. The leader claims to be able to fly ffs.


Since the ban it's become a global media empire supported by Western governments to promote China Bad fakenews. Epoch Times, NTDTV, China Uncensored, etc, headquartered in New York.



It's China Bad disinfo for retards. You should join Falun Gong, lawngnome. They won't even need to indoctrinate you.

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lawngnome's picture

Why are they wanting to educate retards about china?


That's a strange audience to appeal to.





That makes sense. I'd say not to visit hospitals too, if it meant your organs would be harvested while you were still alive - for being in a health and meditation cult.



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danmanjones's picture

The leader has a vendetta & there's good money in it. For example, the Canadian governemt give millions each year to the Falun Gong as part of its ethnic minority budget.


It's win-win - spread anti-China disinfo for retards & pocket our tax money. Western govts get to smear a rival without exposing themselves. A cowardly but somewhat effective approach. It's actually quite good that retards who fall for this crap hate China in a way - less of them will go there. It's a shame it leads to racism though.


It's lose-lose for Westerners. Our taxes fund this crap, we become racist & confused from the well-produced lies.


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lawngnome's picture

All of it, lies.    Mmmmmhmmmm

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danmanjones's picture

The title of the video is a lie. I didn't actually watch it. I've already debunked this lie on another post. The CIA is doing their best to disprove China's official figures but so far has been unable to. It doesn't take a genius to figure the Falun Gong can't do it if the CIA can't.

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danmanjones's picture

oops, wrong box.

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