Bill on how he was fooled by the "Woke"


sato's picture

yep. it's a clear recent society thing, and seems to be a result of some of the effects of social media. just as how it's well documented how church goers are at their high-and-mightiest right after church on sunday, the constant stream of content that only ever agrees with you and people who think the same way agreeing and disagreeing with everything you agree and disagree with gives people a feeling that they are great people and in the right because they like all the right things.

good example just above actually. whoever that is that automatically votes 1 on anything you post straight away. they use time and energy to click through to anything you post to vote it down, and zealously. just like the person who thinks themselves a better person for praying for someone or speaking out against sinners or whatever, this person feels like they're doing good work making the world a better place by voting that deplorable skeptoid's posts down every time, and they do it because they think it means they're a good person, because that's what all good people should do of course, downvote all the bad people.

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