AR-15 Malfunctions & How to Clear

Fullauto223cal's picture

AR-15 Malfunctions

Some good info for all you patriots out there who own your own modern day militia rifle.

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stokkebye's picture

I've had #3 jam happen alot, fucking army never wanted to buy new shit and most of the mags were split or bent to shit like he said. This was 04-06 so shit might of changed, we used a lot of really old stuff.

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napalm4sd's picture

first round I ever put through my brand new rifle jammed. Never buying a AR again. 

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phanto's picture

You shouldn't judge the whole design over one experience. It could have been operator error. It could have been a damaged mag, could have been crappy ammo, could have been a crappy AR made from a brand that doesn't know how to make ARs properly or doesn't have proper quality control. And since every other company is making their own AR nowadays and trying to undercut each other with a cheaper price there are many shitty brands out there.


But a properly built AR that is fed decent ammo will be extremely reliable.

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Fullauto223cal's picture

I have a Bushmaster from the early 2000's when they were still privately owned and make quality shit.  That puppy is rock fucking solid.  The only thing I've changed is replacing the gay "AW BAN" barrel that used a muzzel break instead of a standard flash hider.  You know, because flash hiders are magical and make it extra deadly or some shit, I don't know exactly, you'll have to ask Diane FUCKING Feinstein how that works.

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napalm4sd's picture

It did a couple more times after that as well. It was a smith and wesson m&p15t, pretty good manufacturer. 


It was also a pain in the ass to zero. 

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Fullauto223cal's picture

You were not useing WOLF steel cased ammo were you?  I had one of those jam in my rifle tool.  The old stuff use to have a laquer coating that would rub off and build up in the chamber.

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phanto's picture

Everything I said still stands.

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phanto's picture


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