AOC Returns to Bartending


danmanjones's picture

the biggest problem with these freshman progressives is how they wave their hands around while they talk

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Maxpower's picture

That's the biggest problem? It's not that they find being "precisely, factually, semantically correct" is less important than being "morally correct" (which is a subjective concept)? Nobody seems to have a problem with this new "you're either with us, or you're against us" mentality of the hard left, but they can just casually accept that maybe Trump is a modern day Hitler? Shit's fucked.


I think the problem isn't with the politicians. It's with the people who are so undisciplined and so impatient that they'd indulge the delusions that airheads like Alexandria put before them. It's much easier to believe that it's some mythical patriarchy or white privilege holding people down instead of their own ineptitude. Who wants to upheave their whole life and change their whole perspective on it if they think there's a big bailout right around the corner? They just gotta vote all these extremist dickheads in and the government will wash away the sin.


We're watching the death of western society. A beautiful society, but one entranced by greed and gluttony. It will be the death of us all, as it was with Rome before it.

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danmanjones's picture

There needs to be some more leftism in US politics. It's easy enough to ignore the crazy stuff. Western society isn't all that. It's built on sand - religious & racial supremacism. It was never gonna last forever. There are some great things, especially in the arts. That stuff's not in danger.

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Maxpower's picture

Western society made a lot of important advances in medicine and technology and then tried to spread it throughout the third world. We were at a time racially insensitive and exploititive, but we corrected it. Go try to just be you in a middle eastern country. You'll end up like those dumb, white cyclists who got murdered trying to prove this very point. Go be anything but loyal to the Chinese government in China. You'll end up in a re-education camp like all those poor Muslims.


Pretty much anywhere you go that wasn't touched by western culture is a far more intolerant and oppressive society. It's poorer. The governments are more blatantly corrupt, and no one in America or throughout Europe is looking to flock to one of these places, but the reverse is obviously true. As flawed as people might say it is, no matter how right or wrong they are, Western society is the pinnacle of human achievement. It is objectively a better way to live.


When and if it falls, we will enter a dark chapter of our history, because the people interested in taking the reins don't even pretend to have a respect for civil rights or human dignity.

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danmanjones's picture

What an embarrassing rant.

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