
danmanjones's picture

ADL Exposed: The Anti-Semitism Hoax

Old clip, gets funny towards the end. The ADL CEO Abe Foxman was replaced by Jonathan Greenblatt - a more left-leaning businessman who served in the Obama administration. Greenblatt has taken the fight against hate-speech online by setting up offices in Silicon Valley to work with the big tech companies.


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ninjzz3.0's picture

The ADL email describes American Muslims for Palestine as “the leading organization providing anti-Zionist training and education to students and Muslim community organizations around the country” and alleges that “AMP advocates for a variety of BDS-related initiatives – all in an effort to isolate and demonize Israel and Jewish communal organizations.”

It also states that AMP’s call for a day of action is “scheduled for the evening before the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah.”

Neither AMP nor the Palestinian-led BDS movement advocate for actions targeting “Jewish communal organizations.”

They call for actions aimed at institutions complicit with Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights, including universities and corporations.

The allegation that AMP targets Jewish groups and the reference to Rosh Hashanah appear to be an effort by the ADL to stoke religious tension and to portray Palestine solidarity activism as anti-Semitic – a common and increasingly shrill tactic of anti-Palestinian group


ADL another mouthpiece for Israel masking it self as civil right agency

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