70 y/o North Korea's new face

lawngnome's picture

China Watch: 'Never telling the whole truth' | ABC News

They talk about partying all the time but don't seem really all that friendly, or fun.

Average: 5 (4 votes)


lawngnome's picture

I don't think the rest of the world wants to party with them. (No matter how hard they try to force it.) We'd have to learn chinese and lose our free thought, just not all that appealing tbh. 

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danmanjones's picture

A direct response to the above video... for balance:

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monkeymania's picture

Nathan Rich? Seriously? Yeah, that's balance.




Rich lives in China. A country he has found a bond with during his working career and he has made statements like 'Protests in Hong Kong should result in the People's Liberation Army being sent in to regain control' though it is strange that his many criminal convictions mean that under Chinese law, he is ineligible for a work visa and is thus living and working in China illegally. HMMMM. Interesting.

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danmanjones's picture

A guy who likes China debunking a state-run propaganda video aiming to spread China hate, yeah I'd say that brings some balance. 


his many criminal convictions

He has a diversion & makes no secret of his past. China doesn't allow foreigners with convictions to reside there & even getting a visa would be tough.


living and working in China illegally

Another ridiculous lie.


Why do you always revert to lame attempts at smearing people, monkey?

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monkeymania's picture

He has been convicted of crimes. He is living and working in China. China does not allow foreigners convicted of crimes to live and work there, therefore he is living and working in China illegally according to their law. That's a lie? My bad.


Another lame attempt to smear someone-worst of all it's the balanced Nathan Rich.

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danmanjones's picture

He's been to court for crime in USA and apparently received a diversion. The idea that a guy as visible as he is resides in China illegally is retarded.


You didn't address my question:

Why do you always revert to lame attempts at smearing people, rather than using data/reason/logic to argue, monkey?

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monkeymania's picture

Dinmin, attempts at smearing people with the truth is ugly. I'll just agree with your opinions from now on.


He APPARENTLY received a diversion? What the fuck is that? It isn't getting through obviously. Try to follow: He has been convicted (a bizarre legal term) of crimes (ditto) in the U.S. Take a deep breath. Under Chinese law, people who have been convicted of crimes are not allowed to live and work there. They boot people out all the time who have been convicted of crimes. Wait for it. For some reason, Rich is allowed to live and work there, though it is illegal for him to do so.


Question: If he was in any way critical of the Chinese government, do you think he would be allowed to live there and create Youtube videos? Please use your unerring data/reason/logic to present your opinion.


He's a tool, nothing more. Pick another hero. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSlyjhR4WC7QhYuaivxb6g

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danmanjones's picture

If he was in any way critical of the Chinese government, do you think he would be allowed to live there and create Youtube videos?

Yes. There are channels of people who live there who offer some criticisms of the PRC govt but overall they are not deceptive in how they do it with the theme being how terrible China is, like Winston or that Gweilo guy. Those guys may have had visa issues before they left but they weren't open about that, they used their leaving as another way to milk the China Bad crowd for youtube $$.


You're trying to now push a consppiracy theory about Rich being in China against Chinese law, what is the point of this?

- a diversion tactic in order not to address thte points he makes?

- an attempt to smear him with a complicated theory that's hard to prove/disprove without sifting through records and law?

- both?


What difference does the status of his residency actually make when this post is about AMC smearing China & a video debunking their smear?


... I'll expect more of the same from you Monkey. You still believe the RussiaGate hoax so it's not like you really have much in the way of reasoning skills, or control over your mind your own mind for that matter.

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monkeymania's picture

Dinmin, you are one deluded freak. Nothing is getting through to you. Stay happy in your world.


Everything is a haox, a witch hunt, and a conspiracy. No, I'm not wasting my time with your questions. You are just a fool. Cue up the banning threats if you get too triggered about it.



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danmanjones's picture
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The Evil Bat's picture

China's top dog banned whinnie the pooh. Because apparently people where saying he 'looked like' the loveable bear, and didn't like the comparison.

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lawngnome's picture
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monkeymania's picture
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