

daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

hihihihihihi. right to protest only for religious right wingers.....

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skeptoid's picture

Right to protest as long as it's not related to anything religious, you mean right? Like, right to protest in support of Marxism based on a BLM pretext - that's cool. Get out there. Right to protest that you can't worship and practice your religion? No, not if you live in a state controlled by a critical theory grifting governor. 


Daft Cunt you don't live on this continent. Fingers crossed for Barrett - great pick.

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daftcunt's picture
Discord userfront page

yeah religious nutters are your favourite.

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ubershin's picture

lmao so this bozo doesnt even live in the US yet actively participates in our politics? Talk about a loser i didnt even know he wasn't from here since I thought no one would fuckin care to be such a low life to care about other countries as invested as this guy does

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Dagambit's picture

4/5 for Barrett on the spot questioning.. (not a typical question, I bet you she can site the 1st amendment by heart though)




AOC still 0/3 CHAMBERS of government. (standard knowledge - no pressure) <--- LMAO

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