robbery at the Metro PCS


Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

What where they stealing? what was in those little boxes?

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monkeymania's picture



Would so love to sight those clowns with my good ole M-14. No way any of them would get up. Ever.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

You don't own an m14, you ain't even American

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monkeymania's picture

Ох, но я делаю. Я тоже настоящий американец.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

lol, no you aint... cyka blyat... Slava Ukraina

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monkeymania's picture

Украина раб капиталистических свиней. Мы прошли через Украину как парад.

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bannik's picture
Discord user

well that statement proves you aint American and you did fuck all, you sent your pussy troops to their deaths and the Ukrainians held you off, like they always do... dont worry Russia will get whats coming to it after Putin the dictator dies the country will return and collapse under its own criminal underbelly and all will return to normal as it should be, crimea will never be seen as Russian and neither is the parts of Ukraine you think you took away.... the only thing that conflict proved was what cowards the Russians are by shooting down civilian planes.... Peace... Ukraine are the true Slavs...

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monkeymania's picture

WOW! Did the Russians ass-rape your whole family? I sense a lot of hate there. I'm American but that Russian hate in you is strong. I hope those Javelin anti-tank missiles that I have invested heavily in and my tax money paid to develop do some damage for you. Russian tanks are nothing but targets for them. They are damn good.


I hope the dictator triumvirate of Xi-Trump-Putin all die but it will take some time. It does piss me off that there is a war in Ukraine because now all those goddesses from Ukraine are off-limits and that sucks.


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bannik's picture
Discord user

lol... you aint American... and clearly I got you mad with my anti Ruskie retort, just proves who and what you are... have fun killing children and stealing land.

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monkeymania's picture

LOLOLOL Count Bannik, no seriously I'm American. I live in upstate New York.


If you are Ukrainian, end the war so there is better access to the Ukrainian women will ya?

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bannik's picture
Discord user

Of course Comrade you are Amarican ;)... I too am very American, look, I like guns and women and loud noises.... wooooooo Constitution ;) us Americans stock together

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monkeymania's picture

Then open up Ukraine for all that pussy yo! YEEEEEEEEHAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

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bannik's picture
Discord user

That pussy is reserved for real men...

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monkeymania's picture

Holding out? Wait, are you Jewish?

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bannik's picture
Discord user

I wish... no, just 85% Eastern European and 15% Baltic.

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boldfart's picture
"I forgot to add a description" No need I had it sussed before the clip started.
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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

I bet those boys don't even have a fence for that loot.


Also, that robbery took 30 seconds longer than it should have. Must have been their first time.


If they would have staked the place right, they would have caught that cam, so boy on look out duty wouldn't be identified.


Also you should alter your height with platform shoes and long pants that cover them, as well as stuffing baggy clothes to alter weight.


Finally, If I was white boy I would apply thick make up to make me look black, and tell the home boys to cake on the white.


When black face is important for doing a good job.


And that weapon lol. You arn't ripping a bank. Big sentence for small take.

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Dude's picture
front pageLe roi de Belgique

Then you get stopped for a broken taillight and instantly shot because you are wearing makup and stuffed clothing

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theblackswordsman's picture
front page

Well yeah, If you are running with these guys they will probably have a broken tail light and not be changing their clothes when they get in the car.

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